International Teaching: Stay the 2 years….or even more 

Greetings all! I know it’s been some time since I last posted. Much has changed. I have grown, loved, lost, grown more, and continue to learn so much about myself and this beautiful new country, that is Colombia. My international teaching experience has been a culmination of highs and lows. Now with only 6 months left on this journey – I am so glad I took the leap to teach abroad.

But if we rewiiiiiind (Missy Elliot voice)…….Last year, I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel; and I wasn’t sure I would stay until the end of the year let alone two years. If you’ve been following my instagram stories you may be abreast to some of the hardships I experienced in my first few months: countless instances of discrimination, isolation, and ostracization all within my school community. Life outside of my school was fun, enjoyable, and rejuvenating but the place where I spent most of my time was draining me and causing me to question my worth as both an educator and a person.

My new international coworkers didn’t speak to me but stalked me on social media and even referenced my posts/words in their conversations about me at school. They treated me as though I was unqualified to hold a lead role and I soon began to question my own worth and expertise.

In the U.S I left a school where I was loved, appreciated, and trusted- so adjusting into this new environment was rough.

I focused on not personalizing the actions of others and I began shifting my thinking. I quickly had to remind myself that this is what I signed up for. I signed up for change. I signed up for a challenge. And changes and challenges were exactly what I got.

I was propelled into various new situations in and outside of work. I began to observe my own reactions to new situations and found areas of growth. Without my family and friends as security blankets I was forced to sit in solitude, look in the mirror, reflect, and subsequently grow. 

Through this process I found some tools that helped me to realign, reflect, and transform challenges into opportunities for growth. 

Although, I could never change the behavior of my colleagues, I learned to change myself through my thinking and my reactions. I created a morning and weekend routine. I meditated every morning, recited affirmations, and began reading: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. On the weekend I started going more places alone and talking to strangers, some of whom have become friends.

I urge you to find your joy. Make a list of what brings you joy or discover what brings you joy and begin doing as many items from that list that your schedule allows.

I created a joy list and a Colombia wish list and began shifting my energy on what brings me joy. Eventually, each day became so full of joy I began to experience the maltreatment from my school community differently.

Now I can proudly say I have visited almost every cafe in Cartagena. I’ve visited every beach, I know all my neighbors and I make an effort to leave each space brighter than it was before I arrived.

I’ve also grown professionally. As a 4th grade teacher I’ve learned to teach with less resources and support. As my school’s PBL Coach I’ve gained more experience in how I deliver engaging and effective PD’s. My confidence also grew in how I support grade level teams in their Project Based Learning Unit Planning.

I say all of this to say…stay the course. Embrace change. Accept the job, complete your full contract, or consider staying even longer.


Because, here I am 1.5 years later and I feel like a rose that grew from concrete. The challenges grew me and now I genuinely love living here.  I enjoy waking up to the sun rising and the sea waves crashing every morning. I enjoy greeting the porteros (doormen) who secure my building. I enjoy walking down my neighborhood street and everyone greets me: “Hola migita” or “buenas mi reina”. I enjoy my school bus rides to work where I can read or listen to podcasts for 25 minutes uninterrupted. I enjoy my students who greet me with so much enthusiasm as though I am a celebrity. I enjoy my weekends where I fill my days with morning yoga, cafe hopping, beach lounging, exercise, and relaxing on my balcony hammock.

Although there were challenges and struggles, as there would be living anywhere in the world. I learned to how to work through and over them. Now, I have built a beautiful life for myself and I am so grateful for it.

I used my tools to help me transform challenges into opportunities for growth. I’ve grown and now I love the life I created. 

This experience has inspired me to view challenges differently and embrace change. From this point on I now believe I can truly live anywhere in the world and overcome any challenge thrown at me.

My advice to anyone vacillating between leaving their international country early or extending their contract is: if you recognize positive growth in yourself professionally, emotionally, spiritually, etc. then it’s worth the stay.

Wishing you all the best on your journey abroad. No matter how tough it may get at times, remember you are not alone. The changes and challenges are there to support your growth.


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