My Top 3 Tips for Educators With BIG Dreams

Greetings community,

If you have been following my journey you’d know that I have been planning to teach abroad for a few years now. I am so grateful to say that at this very moment I am writing to you from my Cartagena, Colombia apartment by way of California. 

The process in itself was tedious, there was a long waiting game for documents to be completed and approved-but once I finally arrived on South American soil I was overwhelmed with joy. I truly learned that anything is possible with positive thinking and action. 

My intention here on this platform and others is to both document this beautiful experience and also to stand as a reminder for you to also pursue that “thing” you’ve always wanted to do.

I often wonder what is too much or too little to share about this process. I do want to take the time to share the three things that truly propelled this dream into fruition.

Protect Your Vision

I know for many, it may seem “crazy”teaching abroad amidst a pandemic on another continent. But most importantly, it didn’t seem crazy to me and that’s all that mattered. It is vital to vehemently set your mind on your goal; then hold it tight and close. As in do not share your vision with anyone who may intentionally or unintentionally sprinkle their doubt and fear onto you. Protect your vision- it is yours and no one else’s and therefore no one else should have a say on what you do or how you do it. 

If you just have to share, remember sharing doesn’t have to be in the form of telling others. You can journal about it, create a vision board or make a private pinterest board.

As your plans start to move closer into manifestation then maybe tell your trusted family member/friend who is also your  genuine cheerleader.

Stay Focused 

Get laser focused on the goal itself. Literally visualize yourself accomplishing your goal and take time to imagine what achieving it feels like. I used to spend my mornings visualizing boarding the plane, entering my new apartment, and working in small groups with my new class abroad. In those visualizations it felt as though it was truly real. By the time I arrived it felt more like home than ever.

Our mind is so powerful, I believe visualization to be one of the most powerful tools in manifestation. As long as we can dream it and believe it-we can achieve it!

Let Go of Worry

I learned through the teaching abroad preparation process that I am a bit of a worrier. Initially many issues arose and my reaction was to worry. Will the document arrive on time? Did the notary do this correctly? -all were worries I could do nothing about. The worrying diverted my focus from my goal and literally made me feel sick.

As the weeks progressed I vowed to stop worrying because it was draining and taking me out of the present moment. Worrying preoccupied my mind about what COULD happen in the future when I should have been cherishing my time with  family, friends, and experiences in the present moment. 

One of my biggest pieces of advice to myself and others is, let go of worry-it doesn’t serve us. We think it makes us more efficient but instead it just makes us stressed and causes us to devalue the things that matter most. 

These are my top 3 words of advice- aside from Nike’s famous saying “Just Do It”.  I truly believe our dreams are given to us for a reason. Believe yourself worthy enough to live them.


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