Why I Chose To Teach Abroad In Colombia

“So, why did you choose to teach there?”

Believe it or not this is  the most common question I get when people find out I am teaching abroad in Colombia. Due to Colombia’s turbulent past in the 80’s and lack of accurate media exposure, it gets a bad wrap for being dangerous and unsafe. As a result, people who learn about my decision to teach abroad in Colombia typically respond with fear, statistics about safety, and warnings about getting kidnaped. 

I have lived here now for three months and I am here to say I feel extremely safe and have never felt like I was in any dangerous situations. In fact, I feel more safe here than I did in Oakland or San Francisco, California combined.

So back to the topic- I wanted to answer this very common question. So, why did you choose to teach there? There are four main reasons I chose to teach abroad in Colombia and I hope it inspires you to look into countries abroad and to do your research before letting others deter you.

The African Heritage

The African diaspora runs deep. The three places that received the MOST enslaved Africans during the horrific trans-Atlantic slave trade were Brazil, United States, and Colombia. Cartagena, Colombia was the port where enslaved Africans came. To this day there is so much African history here (Check out my Instagram reel on San Basilio De Palenque). I came here to Cartagena to learn about the African diaspora here. 

While in college I studied abroad in Ghana, West Africa. I chose Ghana because I wanted to be around African people. I wanted to learn from African people. I wanted to understand more about my own African heritage. Fast forward 12 years later. I am still very much drawn to living in places where the African diaspora is highly prevalent.

Stay tuned to learn more about discoveries here in Cartagena.

Improve My Spanish

The second reason I chose Colombia is because I really want to improve my Spanish in order to better serve my school community in California. Most of my teaching career has been dedicated to serving second language English learners. Being well versed in Spanish allows me to make better language connections to English in my instruction, and thus increase student comprehension and enhance learning. Improving my Spanish also allows me to make stronger connections with my students’ families.

And of course, improving my Spanish creates more possibilities and opportunities to travel, meet new people, and enjoy more books/music/movies in two languages.

The Beachfront Property

The third reason I chose Cartagena, Colombia is for the beautiful beachfront sky rise apartment that was included in my hiring package. My apartment balcony overlooks the ocean and I can see the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises from every room in the apartment. I am living in pure tranquil luxury. After 13 years in education-I deserve this, even if for only a year or two. I deserve to live like a queen. After 1.5 sheltering in place in a studio apartment. This transition was necessary.

The Climate

The final reason I chose Colombia was for the hot and humid climate. Living in Ghana revealed how much my skin, hair, and overall health improves with the humidity. I no longer had pimples, my hair was always moist and grew faster and stronger. I lost over 20 pounds and my allergies were completely non-existent.

So far Colombia is living up to the humidity hype however, wearing mask constantly is wreaking havoc on my face-and I am getting off breakouts where the masks sits. I am truly enjoying being able to breathe-inhale and exhale without a stuffed nose and/or watery eyes.

So, this is it. These are the four main reasons I chose Cartagena, Colombia. As my time progresses here I will keep you updated.

One thing I want to remind anyone thinking of living or teaching abroad is do your research. Google earth the neighborhood you’re considering, try to talk to someone who lives there, have a list of what you want, and do your absolute best not to let anyone else’s fear separate you from your dream.

I was given the desire to live/teach abroad for a reason. I am so glad I didn’t allow the fear of others deter me.

If you are having the same desire/calling listen to it. Have you ever taught abroad or considered it? If so where?

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